Cristal Palace – Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the event happening?
Cristal Palace will take place in The Paddocks, adjacent to Titanic Slipways. The entrance is on Queens Road and will be signposted. On the Maritime Mile Map below, look for the space between Titanic Hotel and Titanic Studios. (Note that the landmark icons are not to scale and are a visual aide)

Maritime Mile Map (opens in new window)
What time does the event start and end?
The site will open to ticket holders at 6.30pm. The performance will start at 8.30pm and will last for 70 minutes. It will be followed by a short DJ set if you wish to keep dancing.
How do I get my free tickets?
Tickets are free and are limited to 4 per booking. Booking will open at 10am on Friday 25 March via Cristal Palace event page. Alternatively you can call Visit Belfast on 028 9024 6609 or visit the Welcome Centre in-person from 10am on Friday 25 March. The event is now booked up.
Please download your ticket to your smartphone to show upon entry.
If you can’t easily find your e-ticket, first check your inbox and junk folder for emails from messages-noreply@ticketsolve.com. If you still cannot find your e-tickets, contact Box Office at Visit Belfast by emailing info@visitbelfast.com or calling 02890246609.
Link to Terms and Conditions of Entry
Is the event accessible?
The site is flat and level.
There will be a Rest Space area with fixed seating.
We will also have a mobile disabled toilet.
There are a number of disabled car parking spaces within public car parks. It isn’t possible to reserve a space in advance.
Where is the entrance to the event?
The main entrance is on Queens Road, on the left after Titanic Hotel and before Titanic Studios. The gates will open at 6.30pm. See signs within the area and speak to stewards on the ground.
How do I get to the event site?
We encourage you to walk, cycle or use public transport.
You can take the Glider G2 ‘Direction Titanic Quarter- Queens Road’ to stop at Titanic Quarter, Titanic or check bus timetable. Plan your journey on www.translink.co.uk
All car parks operate on a first come first served basis. No advance bookings are possible. Paid options in Titanic Quarter include Surface Car Park 1 (next to Spud Murphys), Surface Car Park 2 (in front of the old T13 building), and Titanic Belfast Underground Parking. There are also a number of city centre car parks, visit visitbelfast.com/plan/car-parking-in-belfast/
Are there toilets on-site?
Yes. There are portable toilets on site, including disabled toilets.
Are there food stalls?
There are a number of on-site food and refreshment options on site. This is an alcohol-free event, therefore no alcohol will be served at this event.
The food and refreshment options are:
- Parkgate Farm
- The Crepe Makers
- Get Stuffed
- Oui Poutine
- Crispstix
- Tapitas
Are you allowed to bring alcohol to the event?
No alcohol is permitted on site. Stewards will be at entrance points and will be undertaking spot checks.
What else should I know?
This is an interactive promenade performance, meaning that the action takes place in different locations across the site and that audience members are encouraged to dance along. Therefore it is not permitted to bring chairs, furniture, BBQ’s, or glass bottles on-site. There will be a Rest Space area with fixed seating.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and wrap up warm.
Do I need to bring ID?
No, however children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult defined as a responsible person aged 18 or over.
If I leave during the show, will I be able to get back in?
This is not guaranteed and will be subject to capacity on the evening.
Will there be first aid on site?
Yes – there will be First Aid. Please go to your nearest steward on site for assistance.
Will the event be stewarded?
Yes – we will have steward personnel employed for the event.
Can I take photos and videos?
Yes, but for personal use only.
If you would like to share them with us on social media, our profiles are:
Twitter: @BelfastFestival
Facebook: BelfastInternationalArtsFestival
Instagram: belfast_int_arts_fest
I want to attend the event but I have covid symptoms, what should I do?
To assist us in keeping everyone safe we would ask that you DO NOT attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19, are self-isolating after testing positive for Covid-19, or have been in recent contact with anyone who has tested positive.
What Covid measures are in place?
The event is fully ticketed to control numbers. The event is outdoor in its entirety. Additionally, we will have event stewards located within the event site to assist with social distancing where possible. While not a legal requirement, we encourage you to take personal responsibility for helping keep the event safe including the wearing of masks and keeping an appropriate distance from others. When on site keep your distance, make use of the hand sanitising stations and wear your face covering where possible.
If I feel unwell during the event what should I do?
Please speak to your nearest steward who will assist you. We have first aiders on site.
How can I learn the flash mob routine?
Follow the steps: