Churches in Belfast – Cultural Walking Tour
Northern Ireland Tourist Guide Association
In their various forms, Churches have been part of the life of Belfast people for a long time. Jonathan Swift (later Dean Swift, the author of Gulliver’s Travels) knew Belfast well. In the 18th century one Catholic church was built with the financial help from Church of Ireland and Presbyterian churches. Amy Carmichael (an Irish Christian missionary) left Rosemary Street Presbyterian Church and spent 55 years in India helping women and children. Famous church men in the twentieth century include W P Nicholson and Ian Paisley.
Following on from the success of previous years, Cultural Walking Tours have become a welcome part of the Festival. We have again teamed up with the Northern Ireland Tourist Guide Association to bring you a series of cultural and interesting walking tours. The best way to explore the city is on foot and with highly knowledgeable professional guides leading the way and you’ll experience a whole other side to Belfast.
Whether you are a resident of Northern Ireland who wants to know more about our capital or are visiting the City for the first time, these tours are a must!