Detail of 'Vida en Nuestra Población / Life in Our Poor Neighborhood',Photo: Martin Melaugh
Visual Arts

Exploring the different experiences of conflict, oppression and human rights violations across the world through textiles.

Through textile narrative people from countries across the world have communicated their experiences in relation to violence and conflict, human rights violations, poverty, oppression and environmental issues.

The result is a visual record and a form of artistic expression based on personal, and often very poignant testimonies. This collaborative exhibition demonstrates the strengths and highlights of the Conflict Textiles collection, its history, its international diversity and the important themes it addresses.

You can find out more about the Conflict Textiles collection and associated activities here:

Image credits: Detail of ‘Vida en Nuestra Población / Life in Our Poor Neighborhood’,Photo: Martin Melaugh, © Conflict Textiles.