Touch, Hear, Feel
Helen Hall
Touch, Hear, Feel is an immersive dance performance by choreographer and visual artist Helen Hall, BIAF’s current Artist-in-residence.
Touch, Hear, Feel reconsiders the way we experience art, beyond the visual, by contemplating how we can engage our other senses. The dance piece choreographed by Helen and performed by herself and two other dancers, explores the theme of touch and the felt sense.
Touch, Hear, Feel was developed in a series of co-designed workshops with the blind and partially sighted community, in collaboration with the RNIB, Open Arts and University of Atypical. Their diverse perspectives and lived experiences form the heart of the project.
After the performances in November, the set will be re-imagined as a multi-sensory installation. An accompanying audio narrative, featuring the voices of blind and partially sighted people, will provide insights into their experiences of touch.
Commissioned by Belfast 2024 and produced by Belfast International Arts Festival.
A programme for Touch, Hear, Feel is available to download here:
Touch, Hear, Feel (Large Print)
You can listen to an audio version of the programme here:
Commissioned by Belfast 2024
Touch, Hear, Feel was developed in a series of co-designed workshops with the blind and partially sighted community, in collaboration with the RNIB, Open Arts and University of Atypical. Their diverse perspectives and lived experiences form the heart of the project.
Cast and Creative Team
Created and Choreographed by Helen Hall
Dancers Helen Hall, Rachael Lindsay, Maeve McGreevy
Access Advisors Andrea Hope, Josephine McCormack, Margaret Mann
Dramaturg Hannah Slättne
Set and Costume Design Tracey Lindsay
Set Builders Steve Bamford, Callum Stanley
Set Painter Kathryn Boyle
Costume Maker Niamh Kearney
Lighting Design Jonathan M. Daley
Voice Over Janie Doherty
Composer and Sound Design Rory Friers
Audio Description Helen Hall in collaboration with Hanna Slättne
Stage Manager Caoimhe McGee
Lighting and Sound Operator Aaron Ross
Sign Language Interpreter Steven Conlon
Venue Manager Becky Turnock/Smallworld
Promotional Photography Neil Harrison
Technical Director Phil McCandlish
Assistant Producer Dermot McGowan
Executive Producer Richard Wakely