
Useful Contacts

Police Non-Emergency – 101

Emergency – 999

Royal Victoria Hospital – 028 9024 0503

274 Grosvenor Rd, Belfast BT12 6BA

Kensington Medical Centre – 028 9032 5679

15A Donegall Road, BT12 5JJ (8.30-6pm, closed weekends)

Out of Hours Doctor – 028 9079 6220 (South and East Belfast – Clayton, Malone Lodge) 028 9074 4447 (North and West Belfast – Ramada, Premier Inn)

Local Pharmacy – Boots in Europa Bus Station or Boots City Centre (prescriptions)

Sports Therapist – Nick Flanagan, BODYWKX Clinical Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy, 07473042947 / bodywrxclinic@gmail.com


Value Cabs – 028 90 80 90 80 (or download the app)

Fona Cab – 028 90 333 333 (or download the app)

Uber – website (or download the app)

Public Transport – Translink – bus / train : www.translink.co.uk

Staff contacts

We have a small team of staff and you’re likely to meet most of us whilst you’re in Belfast.

Georgia Simpson (Programme & Operations Manager) +44 7967 032575
Office direct line: +442890 9521 9744

She will help with issues regarding travel, accommodation, contracts, and most other emergencies!

Phil McCandlish (Technical Director) +44 7785 593496

He will help with all technical questions.

Area Code

Contacting Northern Ireland/UK number – 0044 and drop the first digit of the telephone no.

Contacting Republic of Ireland – 00353 and drop the first digit of the telephone no.

For example, contacting the Belfast Festival Office when in Dublin – 0044 28903 2261

Directory enquiries – 118 500 or dial 0 from a public telephone for operator assistance.