Be part of Community Cast at Cristal Palace
Would you like to be part of the community cast for our spectacular 60th season opening event Cristal Palace?
Last minute opportunity to join the dance cast as part of #CristalPalace. Rehearsals start this evening! Unfortunately a few of our registered participants are unable to attend.
We’re looking for non-professional dancers, aged 18 years +. Under the direction of a choreographer, the dancers will participate in the show and will cross eras and styles through 5 choreographies: Valse, Polka, French Cancan, Charleston, Swing.
REHEARSALS will take place at The Titanic Exhibition Centre at 17 Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DU:
Today, Wednesday 20 April – 6pm to 9pm
Thursday 21 April – 6pm to 9pm
Friday 22 April – 6pm to 9pm
Saturday 23 April – Arrive at 6.30pm. Performance 8.30pm – 9.40pm
Sunday 24 April – Arrive at 6.30pm. Performance 8.30pm – 9.40pm
Interested? Email your name, contact number and confirm that you are aged 18+ to enquiries@belfastinternationalartsfestival.com
YOU could be one of 16 adult volunteers who help to bring this amazing production to life. Transe Express are looking 8 non-professional dancers (of all genders and none) to take part in the stage performance together with 8 volunteers who will act as stage hands and help with props during the show.
We’re looking for:
8 or so Non-Professional Dancers, aged 18 years +
Under the direction of a choreographer, the dancers will participate in the show and will cross eras and styles through 5 choreographies: Valse, Polka, French Cancan, Charleston, Swing.
Workshops and rehearsals will take place on Wed 20th – Fri 22nd April from 6pm to 9pm in a big indoor space in Titanic area.
There will also be a costume fitting and dress rehearsal on Fri 22nd April. There will be a flashmob too, you’ll be sent a YouTube video to watch and use to help you feel ready.
8 or so Volunteers, aged 18 years +
Under the direction of a second trainer, the other 8 volunteers bring technical help with actions among the audience (pushing a bar on wheels, carry a comedian through the crowd …).
Workshops and rehearsals will take place on Thurs 21st April from 7pm to 9pm in a big indoor space in Titanic area.
There will also be a costume fitting and dress rehearsal on Fri 22nd April
Travel expenses including car parking reimbursed and food available during rehearsals
What’s involved?
Dancers, aged 18 years +
- To have physical fitness and some understanding of dance/movement/body awareness – you DO NOT need to be a professional dancer.
- To be available for rehearsals and costume fittings. (Weds 20th – Fri 22nd April inclusive, 6pm – 9pm.)
- To be available for both performances, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th April – evenings.
Volunteers, aged 18 years +
- To be prepared to move, carry and lift things around the performance site.
- To be available for rehearsals and costume fittings. (Thurs 21st – Fri 22nd April inclusive, 7pm – 9pm.)
- To be available for both performances, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th April – evenings.
If we get more than 16 people interested in this, we will work with Transe Express and other partners to prioritise applications.